Why a Film Commission?
Benefits to an outside agency:
The permit process at a Film Commission frees government time and reduces overall government costs. The savings in total benefits package alone saves the government. The financial benefit to local governments, when industry-knowledgeable people staff the Film Commission is documented.
The SDFCF staff can offer concierge services including:
- Location consulting and negotiating support as desired
- Script breakdown to expand San Diego production
- Introduction and support of local film incentives to expand economic opportunities
- On-line current location library
- On-line listing of vetted current production/crew
- On-set site visits to address community impacts (if any)
- Final approval at the film commission without further governmental processes
Additional services provided by the SDFC include:
- Training and educational services for local production companies and crew
- Ambassador for internship opportunities for both local and imported productions
- Providing a means for continued regional filming support
- Providing a means for additional access to local locations
- Ensuring the San Diego region maintains a positive image
- Creating additional incentives as opportunities arise
- Creating film ambassadors to increase local support of filming in San Diego
- Creating film-based tourism studies